RESIDENTS at a Ferndown care home have knitted tiny woollen blankets to make life more comfortable for kittens and older cats waiting to be rehomed.

The ladies from Colten Care’s Amberwood House made 30 gift-wrapped blankets from individual squares of wool carefully knitted and stitched together, and sized to fit a cat’s travel basket.

They then visited the Cats Protection rehoming centre in Ferndown to deliver their colourful handiwork.

Resident and knitter Betsy Fisher said: “I felt proud to take the knitted blankets over to the cats. I have really enjoyed being part of this project. It’s all for such a great cause.

"I understand that we weren’t allowed to touch the cats but they were so cute I do just wish I could have cuddled them.”

Justine Thorpe, companionship team member at Amberwood House, said: “Many of our ladies love knitting and when we asked around local charities to see if the blankets we were making would be any use, Cats Protection got back and jumped at the chance.

"For each cat they rehome they like to do so with a blanket.”

Tanya Burnett, deputy manager at Ferndown Rehoming Centre, said: “We are so grateful for the blankets that the ladies from Amberwood House knitted with such care and attention to detail.

“We were also pleased to be able to offer them a tour of the homing centre and although we aren’t able to offer one-to-one time with the cats during tours, we are glad the residents enjoyed being able to see each of the cats in their individual pens, hear their stories and details of the work we do for cats, both at the centre and in the wider community, as we work to help people see the world through cats’ eyes.”

Kirsty Richmond Cole, companionship team leader at Amberwood House, described it as a “really lovely initiative involving residents, their families and team members.”

For more information on Cats Protection and to donate or volunteer for the organisation, visit